Best Chopped Sugar Scoop Welding Hoods

chopped sugar scoop welding hoods
welding expert

Written by: Muhammad Munir Ahmed Khan

Muhammad Munir Ahmed Khan is an Electrical Engineer by degree and a programmer by passion. He loves to learn and practice welding and make it easier for everyone. Due to his electrical engineering background, he understands the nitty-gritty of specifications, how to choose the best welding machine, etc. He strives to deliver authentic knowledge, tips & tricks, and technical awareness/skills to beginners and professional welders.

September 3, 2023

Best Chopped Sugar Scoop Welding Hood

Chopped sugar scoop welding hoods are the favorites for some welders, especially pipeline welders. These modified welding hoods look cool and offer some distinct benefits during the welding process.

If you are also in search of a chopped sugar scoop welding hood, you are in the right place. I have hand-picked some of the best items on the market that you can buy without any worries. I will discuss their features, pros & cons, and other details you need to know.

Let’s begin!

Why Do You Need a Chopped Sugar Scoop Welding Hood?

A chopped sugar scoop welding hood is a modified form of a fibre-metal welding hood or pipeliner hood. The top of the standard welding hood is cut using a jigsaw. Then, a piece of leather is attached. After cutting, the hood becomes flat from the top.

Manufacturers take the standard welding hoods and then cut the top or bottom. A very small portion of the hood is cut, but it has its own benefits.

fibre metal welding hood
chopped sugar scoop welding hood

Have you ever experienced light from the back of the welding helmet? It usually happens when you are working under the sun or there is a bright light behind. The reflection of the light on the welding lens creates problems for the welder. Therefore, it is necessary to block the light to have a perfect vision of the object.

The piece of leather which is placed at the top of the welding hood fits perfectly on the head. It blocks the light and prevents any reflection on the welding lens. Thus, it is easier to focus on the object even if you are working under a bright light or sun.

The bottom of the welding hood is also chopped according to the preference of the welder. It is because the bottom of the standard hood scratches the neck and chest and does not provide protection all over the shoulder and neck area. Therefore, a piece of leather is fixed to the bottom. It keeps the welding sparks away and the welder feels more comfortable.

Moreover, chopped sugar scoop welding hoods are lighter and more compact compared to traditional pipeline hoods. They are more ergonomic and comfortable. The best part is that welders can get the hoods customized according to their liking.

Best Chopped Sugar Scoop Welding Hoods

You can’t find a chopped sugar scoop welding hood from a hood manufacturer, such as Honeywell. These hoods are customized by other companies and then sold to the customers.

Therefore, if you want to order a chopped sugar scoop welding hood, you might need to wait for a long time because it is custom-made after the order.

Here are some of the best chopped pipeliner hoods you can buy.


Outlaw Leather does not need an introduction because it is one of the most reliable sellers of chopped welding hoods. You will find almost all kinds of hoods, welding arm guards, auto darkening welding lenses, pads, and all other accessories.

This chopped-top sugar scoop welding hood is incredible. It has an appealing tan basketweave leather that makes it eye-catching. It is made from a standard fiberglass welding hood that offers optimal durability and safety in harsh welding conditions.

The best thing is that they use genuine cowhide leather, which resists welding sparks and offers maximum comfort. It lasts for a very long time and recovers whatever you have spent on it.

You can choose flip-up or non flip-up front hoods and the desired shade of the welding lens. You can buy this welding hood without any worries. You can also check other chopped hoods; they have tons of designs and colors available.

Keep in mind that it usually takes around 2 weeks for shipping because of the make-to-order policy. It is a standard time for such hoods.


WeldTube is another popular and reliable seller of chopped sugar scoops. They customize a standard pipeliner hood according to the customers’ choice.

The top of the hood is chopped, and the bottom one is your choice. You can either get a no-cut bottom, slim-cut bottom, or medium-cut bottom.

The most important thing about this welding hood is that you can choose from a wide range of leather colors and patterns. Moreover, you can also choose the color of the fasteners you like.

They use premium leather in their hoods, which retains its shape due to pre-stretching. You also get a gold welding lens along with the helmet.

They offer a wide range of chopped top sugar scoops. You can even get a bottom leather helmet if you want. The only thing that some welders might not like is the big logo on the side of the welding helmet. Other than that, they offer outstanding helmets.


This is a chopped-top pipeliner welding hood that you would love to wear. It is a strong and sturdy helmet made from polymer fiber mix.

There are multiple options of leather color and patterns, and you can also choose the flip-up or non flip-up lens.

The cost of the helmet is quite less compared to other chopped sugar scoops available on the market. You also get aluminum fasteners and a metal retaining clip along with the helmet.

The only issue with this helmet is that it is not OSHA or ANSI certified.


Now, we have another excellent piece, which is ANSI and ISEA certified. It is a white pipeliner made of nylon reinforced with glass fiber. It is made to withstand harsh conditions and offer maximum service. The leather on the top is textured, which makes the whole hood appealing. Secondly, it is made from cowhide leather, which will fit perfectly and last for a long time.

You can choose the flip-up or non flip-up welding helmet. There is also a passive welding lens of shade 10, suitable for a wide range of welding tasks. It also comes along with reinforced fasteners.

Another variant of the hood has a bottom cut and leather protection. The leather piece covers your neck area and chest. It is a more comfortable option for welders.

Final Words

Chopped sugar scoop welding hoods are all-time favorites of pipeline welders. These are modified hoods that offer some extra benefits. If you are looking for an excellent chopped sugar scoop welding hood, you can check out our list. We have hand-picked some of the best items available on the market.

Don’t forget to share with your fellow welders.

Muhammad Munir Ahmed Khan

Muhammad Munir Ahmed Khan is an Electrical Engineer by degree and a programmer by passion. He loves to learn and practice welding and make it easier for everyone. Due to his electrical engineering background, he understands the nitty-gritty of specifications, how to choose the best welding machine, etc. He strives to deliver authentic knowledge, tips & tricks, and technical awareness/skills to beginners and professional welders.

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