Let’s Weld Together

Top 3 Fibre Metal Welding Hoods

Top 3 Fibre Metal Welding Hoods

Top 3 Fibre Metal Welding Hoods Pipeline welders require special helmets that are compact, impact-resistant, lightweight, and durable. Along with that, the helmets should offer the perfect fitting and utmost protection from IR and UR rays produced during the welding...

Welder Bed—How to Make One?

Welder Bed—How to Make One?

Welder Bed—How to Make One? For on-site welding tasks, welders, especially pipeline welders, have a truck to carry the welding machine and other tools and equipment. You cannot put the machine and other things directly on the truck; there should be a dedicated place...

welding expert


An Electrical Engineer by degree and a programmer by passion.

Aims to deliver authentic knowledge, tips & tricks, and technical awareness/skills to beginners and professional welders. 

welding expert


Pursuing Mechanical Engineering, and has a great passion for learning and writing about welding machines and accessories.

He loves to convey the technical aspect in simple and clear words.

welding expert


An experienced Metallurgical Engineer who has worked on a wide range of welding machines. 

He enjoys writing and teaching the technical side of welding machines and how beginners can master the skill.

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